DIY Soldering Station: PCB Design


The schematic is fairly straightforward and mostly serves to connect larger components together. The main components of the circuit are a pin header for a Teensy 4.1, a pin header for the LCD, some keyswitchs and accompanying filters, a mosfet and gate driver to PWM switch the heater, and a thermocouple amplifier. The whole board is powered by an external 24V power supply.

Not too much in the schematic, just connecting a few components together.

PCB Layout

The only place where layout is somewhat important from an electrical standpoint is the mosfet and gate driver, since too much parasitic inductance can kill the mosfet, but this application likely won't have problems because it is relatively low power and I'm not driving an inductive load. Most of the layout was dictated by positioning the screen, buttons, and other board-to-wire connections for aestetics and ease of routing.

Front PCB layout.

Back PCB layout.

Unpopulated PCBs

I ordered the 5 of the PCBs from JLC for around 5USD with matte black soldermask. They turned out really nice, but I don't have all the components yet, so I need to wait to assemble and test it.

Not too much in the schematic, just connecting a few components together.